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[行业软件]文件搜索神器 Everything v1.4.1.800b

级别: 茶馆馆主

Everything 是速度最快的文件名搜索软件。其速度之快令人震惊,百 G 硬盘几十万个文件,可以在几秒钟之内完成索引;文件名搜索瞬间呈现结果。它小巧免费,支持中文,支持正则表达式,可以通过   HTTP 或 FTP 分享搜索结果。如果不满意 Windows 自带的搜索工具、Total Commander 的搜索、Google 桌面搜索或百度硬盘搜索,如果正在使用或放弃了 Locate32,都值得推荐这款体积小巧、免安装、免费、速度极快(比 Locate32 更快)的文件搜索工具 Everything!
Everything 是一款硬盘文件名搜索软件和 HTTP/FTP 文件共享软件,基于 NTFS 索引来搜索文件;并能使用 HTTP/FTP 协议简单快速的来分享软件。大多数人使用的是它的搜索功能,而对它的文件共享功能知之甚少,其实,使用其文件共享功能,完全可以打造一个家庭共享中心,让移动设备共享播放电脑上的海量片源。
v1.4.1.782b* fixed an issue with namepartdupe:* fixed exclude hidden files* fixed a dual display search history positioning issue* fixed an issue with file:* fixed an issue with indexing hidden or system folders/files* fixed an issue when re-indexing an existing NTFS/ReFS index when “Include Only” is set.* added shell: function support.* added millisecond support to time formatg
v1.4.1.780b* fixed a dual display search history positioning issue* fixed an issue with file:* fixed an issue with excluding hidden files.
v1.4.1.773b* fixed a login issue with ETP connections* improved Chinese localization
v1.4.1.771b* fixed a display issue with the installer
v1.4.1.770b* fixed a display issue with tooltips* fixed a crash when closing Everything* fixed an issue when excluding hidden files and changing the attributes of a file* fixed an issue when searching content in empty files* fixed a selection issue in full row select mode* fixed a display issue with dates* fixed an issue with previous navigation searches* fixed a hang when installing over a running instance* fixed a blocking issues with search as your type disabled* fixed a crash when displaying thumbnails* fixed an indexing issue with small refs volumes* fixed an issue when selecting with ctrl in full row select mode* fixed an issue when searching for a \path\* fixed a crash when cutting an item multiple times* added perl compatible regex* added option to never show thumbnails, always icons* added iso 8601 syntax for dates and time* added option to disable recent changes* improved search term highlighting* improved database blocking* improved indexes updating* improved advanced search* improved multi-file renaming* improved folder index monitoring
v1.4.0.713b:* fixed an issue with indexing deleted attributes in ReFS volumes* fixed an issue with indexing very large ReFS volumes* fixed an issue with indexing subst volumes* fixed an issue with inline renaming and focus wrapping* added option to remember search in bookmarks* added option to remember view in bookmarks* improved unicode normalization* improved open path command* improved tooltips
官网  http://www.voidtools.com/
官方下载( beta)http://www.voidtools.com/Everything-【Language Pack】http://www.voidtools.com/Everything.lng.zip